The Family

Things are winding down. We've finished our pieces for the exhibition and we're packing up our studios. The air has turned from hot and muggy to refreshingly autumnal. The season has changed.

It seems like just yesterday I arrived for the second time in Onishi. Mina is still cooking fabulously savory meals at the Oni Cafe. Stray cats of all colors continue to dodge in and out of alleys. The sound of the lunchtime song still chimes at noon. I fell in love with this town so much, I needed to come back. It did not disappoint.

What I didn't expect, was to fall in love with the other visiting artists. The stars seemed to be in alignment with this group, in this village at this time. A quote about an artist residency from sculptor, Anne Truitt (from her journal, "Daybook") really rang true for me. "....we are all drawn together into a kind of tacit intimacy by being artists, which we handle in different ways. We are gently curious about one another, as if we all had the same disease, could compare symptoms and treatments."

For 6 weeks, we've talked endlessy about art, life and relationships. We've laughed 'til it hurt and cried crocodile tears. We've shared stories and secrets and fears. The love and friendship we all have for one another is genuine and long lasting. It will be terribly hard to say Sayonara.

Here are a few moments from the past 6 weeks....

                                                                 Those elegant trees

Just another great night at home

Cheers to Kjell, Dodo and Bee

Our badass chef look. Beware of artists with Yanagiba sashimi knives.

With Dodo, Gabi, Michael and Bee.

Gabi's favorite food.


Sweet Berenika

Dinner as usual

Dearest Margaret

Chika-Bika is hardly super lazy. She has been such a great help to all of us.

My 2 favorite food groups. French fries and raw fish.

Dodo in his studio talking about his powerful drawings.

Margaret doing her thing.

Uncle Mike

Natsuka and Chika at the exhibition space.

My next post will be about the exhibition.....stay tuned...!!!!

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